Practitioners + Partners


Eben Dodd:

Licensed Massage Therapist

Eben's massage training began at the Swedish Institute for Massage Therapy in New York, NY in 1991. He worked for 8 years in New York, then moved to California, and for the next 18 years practiced Swedish and Shiatsu massage at Kabuki Springs and Spa in San Francisco, CA.

Since returning to the East Coast in 2018 Eben has renewed his practice of yoga, which he began in the 90s, and has begun the study and practice of Thai massage, which, in it's positioning of the body is closely related to yoga. He was certified for Thai Massage last year at the Vidaya Spa in Boston.

Kelsey Anne Fleet-Cochrane:

Artist and Art Educator

Kelsey is a local pre-k through eighth grade Art Teacher, small business owner, and artist. She is certified to teach K-12 and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Studio Art and a Masters of Education in Secondary Education. She teaches private and small group lessons, hosts art events at Everglow Wellness, and creates and sells her own work.

She is interested in a range of media and subject areas and has recently been drawn to mixed media abstract art and hyper-realistic colored pencil drawings. She encourages everyone, all ages, experiences, and abilities, to make art as creativity is essential to what it means to be human and emphasizes the process over the product.

Beth Christy Draper: Herbalist, Facilitator, and Educator

Beth Draper found her way back to joy, whole health and healing after a debilitating autoimmune disease nearly took her life 25 years ago. “Western medicine couldn’t do anything for me at that time, so I embarked on my own holistic healing journey and have never looked back.”

“What I’ve learned over the many years has changed my life in amazing ways. I’m so grateful to be able to facilitate this kind of work for other women and to support their own innate and intuitive abilities to know, and heal.”

Beth Draper is an energy worker in the Usui Reiki Tradition as well as the Wise Woman Traditions of her Celtic and European ancestors. She’s a trained herbalist, Doula and plant spirit medicine guide. Beth is an Ordained Interfaith Minister, and a Sacred Facilitator through The Global Sisterhood. She is trauma aware, offering compassionate care for cis- and non-cis-gendered women alike, working with each client’s own belief system to facilitate spiritual support for healing and empowerment.  All sessions are confidential and non-judgmental.

Along with working one-on-one with women, Beth also supports women in Sister Circles: building sisterhood, belonging, safety, authenticity, power and compassion through courageous vulnerability.

Sara Pelkey of The Roaming Road: Certified Aliveness Coach

I'm a travel enthusiast, people lover, coffee drinker, kindness seeker, avid hiker, dog hugger that specializes in helping people fulfill their dreams and passions through finding their true aliveness as a certified aliveness coach.

For starters, I am no different from you. I have felt stuck and lost in my career. I have felt drained and tired of the so-called “rat race”. I've felt a fire in my soul for quite some time saying “there has to be something more for me in this life.” It’s taken me years to find the clarity I was searching for and when I finally found what I truly desire - everything clicked. My dream is to help you gain the clarity that you seek! 

The Roaming Road started as my personal journey to self and now it’s how I guide others through specialized methods and strategies. It has been my dream to help other people fulfill their lives with the elements that truly bring them alive. The last eight years have been full of ups and downs. This has included, but is not limited to, traveling across the country, buying and selling an RV, working from the road, working from a desk, hiring and managing staff, professional and personal growth, and lastly, never forgetting my goals and desires to leave this world a better place. I believe to make the world a better place, we must look within ourselves first to make the hardest changes. Only then can we give back to the world in a bigger way. 

My experiences have given me the superpower of being empathic with the ability to connect with others on a deeper level. In return, I've been helping others through their life's journey in a meaningful way. I became a coach to help change lives and to help young adults find their way. My goal is to help you experience the good and bad life events with more ease and truly look at these experiences as opportunities instead of struggles. So here I am with the goal of helping you LIVE for a living.

Ashleigh Mondoux, MSW, LICSW: Licensed Therapist

Ashleigh Mondoux is a licensed therapist and owner of Counseling Services of Keene. She provides mental health workshops, training and consultation to area businesses, schools and human service agencies. Ashleigh is passionate about teaching others about mental wellness in ways that are practical and relatable. You can learn more about Ashleigh by visiting her website below.

Vira Bhava Yoga School

We're delighted to announce our partnership with Vira Bhava Yoga (VBY), a perfect match for our community's commitment to holistic wellness and personal growth. VBY's yoga programs are tailored to deepen your practice, both mentally and physically, going beyond the mat to explore the energetics of life.

Why This Partnership Rocks:

Holistic Approach: VBY aligns with our vision of nurturing your entire being. Personalized Growth: Tailored support for your unique wellness journey. Depth in Yoga: Explore extensive Yogic and Tantric traditions and philosophies. Community Spirit: A shared passion for personal connections and joyful living. Flexibility and Accessibility: Fully online courses with optional in-person intensives at Everglow Wellness Studio. Affordability: High-quality yoga education at accessible prices, with scholarships available.

Special Perks for Everglow Members:

● Exclusive 30% Discount: On all VBY programs and courses using code GLOW30!

● Monthly In-Person Intensives on our 200 & 300 hr accredited programs: A unique opportunity for hands-on learning.

● Exclusive Everglow Members only workshops and intensives

Hannah Banana + Jim Butler: Artists and Musicians

Jim Butler is the composer and creator of the Deep Energy Podcast. The Deep Energy Podcast is one the most listened and oldest (created in 2006) New Age Music podcasts in the world with over 6 million downloads per year and over 1400 episodes. 

Currently Jim is composing instrumental improvisational music by performing live with an array of singing bowls and other acoustic ethnic instruments and bringing sound healing to a brand new audience. 

Jim lives in a small town in rural NH on a pond with his wife, dog and a cat.

Find out more about Jim here.


Hannah Banana is a full spectrum live artist from Southern NH with a strong focus and purpose to spread the power of positivity through Art by creativity works with the intention of raising vibrations. 

Banana currently provides a range of creative offerings and sacred arts, including visual and graphic arts, flow and fire spinning, and is also a certified sound healer. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Find out more about Hannah here.

Scott Tilton: Argentine Tango Instructor

Scott fell in love with the challenge of learning tango in 2002. Before that he had been a wrestler all through middle and high school which helps him to bring a deep knowledge of body awareness and movement into his dance form. After learning and dancing tango all across the US and abroad, he moved to Buenos Aires in 2015 where he danced with Porteños and learned directly from the great Milongueros. He has been teaching private lessons and group classes throughout New Hampshire since 2012. For him, tango is a wonderful journey of personal growth focused on connection, presence, grounding, empathy, and awareness.

Erica Skye Roper: Argentine Tango Instructor

Erica’s first memory is learning folk dances with her grandparents. She began performing folk dances at ten and began learning Argentine Tango at Amherst College at nineteen. Erica played at the edges of Contact improv and tango fusion for more than fifteen years and began teaching dance in 2007. She has expanded her offerings over the years to include Intuitive Tango, Tango Fusion, ConTango Fusion, Salsa Rueda, and Taking-Back-Boundaries workshops. She brings a devotion to life long learning through a continuing study of dance and movement as well as the desire to strengthen and build community into the center of all of her teaching.