Finding Rhythm Through Routines

The fall marks a time of transition. If you have children attending school or you are working in education, you may be anticipating the start of the school year. If you are a New Englander, the fall is a time to enjoy the changing leaves, bundle in comfy sweaters, and look ahead to the approaching cold temperatures. For me, it means my schedule fills up as I take on more responsibility and I seem to have less time to do the things I love. Whether fall is a season you look forward to or try to push away, it is a time to set intentions and get into the swing of things.

To take back time, I decided to make a daily routine.

While seemingly bland of a concept, routines are good! They can remind us of our purpose, reconnect us to our passions, and give us space to witness and be witnessed. They are not done for the purpose of productivity, perfection, or production, but as an attempt to find pause in our busy lives.

If you are interested in giving this a try, here is a 4-step how-to guide on creating a routine!

Step 1: Write intentions and brainstorm.

In an ideal world, what would you want to do every day? Pick things that you genuinely enjoy doing! Is it drinking coffee with a good book? Chipping away at a craft? Stretching or walking? If it doesn’t feel “productive” enough, YOU’RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK!

Step 2: Carve out 5-60 minutes in your day where this can happen. Every.Day.

For me, the morning is the best time. I may have to wake up a little bit earlier than usual, but if I don’t do it when I wake up, I am less likely to do it as the day goes on. If morning is not a good time for you, what about your lunch break, right when you get out of work, or right before you go to bed?

The amount of time you do this is more arbitrary, so if 5 minutes is all you have, great! Something is better than nothing.

Step 3: Write it down and tell the people you live with.

Take a moment to write it down and make it visible. Tell people in your life about this! They may think it’s a great idea for themselves, but more importantly, they may better respect the time you are taking to do this awesome thing for yourself.

Step 4: Practice and set boundaries.

All you have to do now is see it through! Need accountability? Keep a log of the days you do it! No, not to make you feel bad on the days you didn’t get to it - simply logging it will bring it “front of mind”. If you’re digitally driven, set a reminder on your phone.

Something not working? Make the reasonable adjustments you need to accommodate your changing and busy schedules. Grant yourself this time and space. I guarantee it will make you a better friend, coworker, parent, and a more joyful human.

MOLLY'S ROUTINE (40-45 Minutes)

My intention is to cultivate creativity and self-love by attuning to my body-mind-spirit.

Use this as a template and create your own!

5:30 am - 5:50 am/6:00 am (20-30 minutes)

-Wake up and move my body

Movement choices: yoga, strength training, meditation, Pilates (either self-led or on YouTube)

5:50 am/6:00 am - 6:15am/6:20 am (15 - 20 minutes)

-Drink coffee and engage in an activity in front of my light therapy lamp

Activity choices: journal, read for pleasure, draw/doodle, knit, listen to music

-Molly Hoekman

Ashley NesbittComment