3 Journaling Prompts to Level Your 2023

What if creating a better life for yourself were as easy as putting pen to paper? These three simple journaling practices have been life changing for me and I hope you enjoy them too!

1. Gratitude Journaling:

Write down what you feel thankful for- what are the little things that make you feel lucky to be you. I like to start with the basics and oftentimes the gratitude list flows from there. Do you have fresh water to drink, an abundance of food to eat, or even just breath in your lungs? Consider your friends, family, and coworkers. Who are the people in your life that bring you joy? Think back on your past 24 hours. What worked out in your favor or made you smile? This practice can be challenging during certain seasons of life, but often the more difficult times are when gratitude can make the biggest difference! As we begin to focus on all the good in our lives, we reprogram our brains to think more positively. Gratitude journaling helps to shift your perspective to feel a little lighter, a little happier in your 2023.

2. Goals Journaling:

Write down your goals for a powerful practice that gives direction and motivation to achieve your deepest desires. If you could wave a magic wand and achieve anything, what would it be? Do you have a fitness goal? A career goal? A financial goal? Write your goals as if they already happened and get as specific as possible. For example, for months I wrote, “I teach 6 private yoga sessions per week,” and now most weeks it is a reality! Writing down our goals over and over again helps to keep ourselves on task in order to achieve them. Our brains want to make sense of the world, so when we write our goals as if they have already happened, our mind gets to work to make our inner and outer reality congruent.

3. Intention Journaling:

Each morning, journal about the qualities you’d like to embody in order to show up as your best self. Take a moment to imagine the most ideal version of yourself and jot down some qualities that come to mind. Are you calm? Are you confident? Are you kind? Just like goal setting, phrase this as a present statement, for example I used to use the intention, “I am confident,” when I first started teaching and it was a game changer! When your intention is set, it can help you to make decisions that align with these qualities. Our thoughts create our reality, so this practice gives you the chance to choose what you want your experience of your life to be.

-Corinne Pierce

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